The Foundation receives 96 cents to the dollar for donations online. Check Donations should be written to Jose Cerda Navarro Aquatic Foundation and addressed to P.O. Box 1253 Mason, OH 45040
Check out some of the thoughful letters the family has recieved for all of their hard work with the foundation below. This shows how people are being touched by Jose's Foundation.

PO BOX 1253
Mason, OH 45040

Receive 20% off any premium subscription to Professional Swimming Workouts by clicking the referral link on the Proswimworkouts.com button below or using the coupon code 'JCAF'.
ProSwimWorkouts donates most of the proceeds from these referrals to JCAF. Thank you for supporting JCAF and all who contribute to make professional swimming workouts available.

Wool 'N Wishes is a wonderful group of talented high school students who sell headbands. They are always looking for volunteers to knit the headbands and for teams to order these ear warmers; which are customized to their team colors.
Wool 'N Wishes donates proceeds from the sale of headbands to JCAF.
If you are interested in ordering headbands for teams or individuals, contact woolnwishes@gmail.com specifying the number and color of desired headbands.
Also, follow @woolnwishes on Twitter!
Halloween, WP Fanatics!!! Support JCAF by purchasing these 9-inch craft pumpkin personalized with winner's name, cap #, team logo/initials! Hand-painted by Jan Matulis, proud parent of three WP players.
Cost is $20 plus shipping. Send an email to halloweenball@jcafoundation.org

ITEMS FOR PURCHASE !!! support JCAF by purchasing on-line the items pictured in the smugmug link. Send email to silentauction@jcafoundation.org for more info. on the items displayed at that site. We are very grateful to all business and individual donors for these items.
DONATE YOUR TIME !!! Consider volunteering to support JCAF by donating your talent and time. Send email to coordinator@jcafoundation.org for more info. on the volunteer opportunities. We are very grateful to all who have graciously contributed to this cause.